Culture Assessment Certification Training
As national and world conversations about engagement, equity, sexual harassment and assault (among other topics) increase, so do the amount of companies hiring organizations to assess their culture. Whether they are trying to be proactive or reactive, they realize that an assessment provides them a lens by which to see and respond to what are otherwise continuous but nebulous issues.
The question is, how does someone accurately assess culture?
The answer to this question starts with understanding that a culture assessment is only as good as it is holistic, root focused, and defensible. This reality introduces a whole set of additional questions:
1. What information is needed to deliver a holistic culture assessment? (Hint: Surveys and survey findings don’t cut it)
2. Who should that information come from?
3. How does an assessor distinguish thoughts and feelings from facts and policies?
4. What are the common symptoms that people often point to as the reason for a negative culture?
5. What are the common root causes to a negative culture?
6. What are the myths surrounding culture health?
7. What are the determining factors that drive the overall assessment and root solutions?
8. How can an assessor deliver a culture assessment that is supported by all levels of the workforce?
It is imperative that people who perform and deliver culture assessments can answer each and every one of these questions. Otherwise, the organization ends up with symptomatic findings, survey fatigue, and a frustrated workforce.
This course will cover each and every one of these questions (among others) in a facilitated, inclusive manner.
The right students for this course will be:
- People who have a direct responsibility to assess organizational culture
- People who are in a change agent capacity in their organizations
- People who operate in the workforce engagement survey spaces and are interested in finding ways to nest it into other strategic sources that are necessary for assessing organizational culture
- Leaders who want a more holistic understanding of how to assess their culture
- People who tire of complaining about the culture or hearing others do the same, and who wish to become change agents who can help assess and improve it
Become the change you wish to see!
This course will be taught by Chris Armstrong and Vince Brantley, two long-standing experts in workplace culture.
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