Leading with the Head and Heart
More and more we need to connect to what it means to be human. This is especially true in the workplace, virtual or otherwise.
After all, and as 2020 reminded us, it is imperative that people are able to do their job while being their authentic selves and taking care of their human needs as parents, partners, children, and citizens.
In all of this, leaders must be more effective at understanding the needs, wants, threats and rewards of their employees. We are humans before, during, and after work. Truly understanding what this means is critical to inspiring and enabling us to do and be our best.
More importantly, leaders must be able to do something with this knowledge. This means learning how to lead with the head and heart in mind. It is critical that leaders are able to adapt their styles and communications to meet their workforce where they are.
This intentional and human-centered to leadership is the new demand of the 21st Century workforce.
Are you up for it?
(for more information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leading-with-the-head-and-heart-an-emotional-intelligence-journey-tickets-136961592811)